November 10, Fri
Magazine Beach
Service Opportunity
TC56 Permission Slip
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As many of you know I am working towards earning the rank of Ranger,
the highest rank for a Venture Scout. Part of that requirement is to
lead a local conservation project.
On Friday, November 10, 9 AM – 4 PM I will be leading scouts and
community volunteers in removing invasive plants in order to restore
the existing wetlands at Magazine Beach. Friday there is no school in
Cambridge and it is the official Veteran’s Day holiday.
I hope you can come help us either for the morning shift 9 AM – 12:00
PM or the Afternoon shift from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. If you can, please
wear boots and work clothes. If you have a favorite pair of gloves
bring them but we’ll have gloves if you don’t. If you own pruning
shears, bring them too! Shovels and everything else we need will be
there including water and snacks.
I know the Troop has a conservation trip that leaves on Friday. I hope
everyone signed up for the conservation trip will come help me in the
morning on Friday or help for a couple of hours in the afternoon
before leaving on the trip.
It’s important that I have enough people for each shift and that I
have enough tools for everybody. So would you please let me know if
you are coming and what shift you’d want to sign up for. Thanks you so
much for letting me know. Hope to see you next Friday at Magazine