June Minutes

Minutes of the April Troop/Crew Committee Meeting, 6/26/13

The purpose of the June Troop Committee meeting is to review and approve the activity calendar for the following school year, and to set the fees, including first semester/second semester and Scout-earned vs. parent contribution.

The meeting began at approximately 7:30pm.

Michelle Holmes, Derrick Jackson, Britt Rideout, Kate Elliott Smith, David English, Dani Nielsen, Michael Fitzgerald, Paula Malady, Anita McClellan, Colin Zick, Jean Zick, Brian O’Rourke, Helen O’Rourke, Eileen Woodford, Scott Donaldson, Karen-Sean Hines, Mary Ellen Galante, Paul Lyons, Jared Seaquist, Sally Watermulder 

(present before or after business meeting: Michael Payne, Cynthia Payne, Robin Bonner; also present: Helen O’Rourke’s mother)

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