This Week’s Troop Meeting, October 23

This week’s meeting will run from 7:00pm to 8:30pm because there are some very important discussions to take place and preparations for the November trip.


7:00  |  Start with Scout Oath and Law

7:10-7:30  |  Scout Law Discussion

7:30-8:15  |  Everyone going on the trip will be discussing over food lists and other preparations ; those not going to the trip will be finishing fitness activities (includes sit & reach, push-ups, and sit-ups)

8:15-8:30  |  Announcements and Scoutmaster’s Minute with a SPECIAL TREAT that will be kept as a surprise towards the end

One last thing regarding the trip, the trip needs some volunteers to help Roberto go shopping on November 1st, a Thursday. Please look at your calendars and volunteer, if you can, at the upcoming meeting.

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